blonde to red

so, for my 21st birthday i decided i wanted to go from brown to blonde!  well, lets just say it didn't go so well...  i had been blonde before and knew what i needed to use but as my hair had been bright red a few months before it was very difficult to get the red out so my blonde attempt was, well, ginger.  This is a picture of my hair the best i could get it!  It's more of a strawberry blonde but it was verryyy damaged.

I had been using a silver shampoo to tone down the red which helped a little.  I went to the hairdressers to see if anything could be done with it.  They look a sample of my hair and bleached it using a very low volume but the sample was completely frazzled!  She said all I could do was either go dark again or keep using the silver shampoo.  I felt that going back to brown would have been a waste of money for all the bleaching i had done!  So, I decided to go red again!

muuuch better!! :D i used Directions Poppy Red mixed in with a teeeny bit of Directions Ebony to make it a little darker.  I normally get my hair dye from either or
sam x


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